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Linux: Options for excluding files from scanning

When using sophos for Linux on-access scanning, I run into delays when I access some shared folders from my Windows VM, presumably because the VM is doing some simple scan of the folder which then triggers the on-access scanning. This is particularly noticeable and annoying for folders with may items or large items like a downloads folder that may contain many >200MB files. Please can someone let me know if there's an obvious solution to this, such as:

  • Is there a way to configure a max file size for Linux on-access scanning?
  • Is there a way to exclude certain processes from the Linux on-access scanning? (e.g. the VMware process or possibly makes sense for a backup rsync process too)

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Parents Reply
  • Thanks for this. Unfortunately the solutions there are to exclude the folders from scanning or configure samba instead of NFS; exclusion isn't really possible since it defeats the point of having the on-access scanning, particularly for a downloads folder which might be considered one of the more at-risk locations, and the samba/NFS solution isn't applicable to the issues I'm encountering with the VM.
