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I can't install sophos home

Dear Sophos team,

I use to use Sophos home a long period but suddenly I uninstall it by error , I try to reinstall it without success I delete my account temporary and reactivated it to allow ma to download the install file again and after downloading the file I follow the steps for the  installation, when I reach to the steps N8  (  it stop at this level (installation failure, impossible to make internet connection )see the attached image I try several time without success.

could you please tell what is the issue in this situation and what is the solution for it?


actually I use MSE to protect my laptop until I find the way to back to Sophos home; please advice.

thanks in advance.








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  • Dear Sophos team,

    Fortunately I reach to install it after a serval times; but after the installation the automatically scan was lunched, but I see that after Sophos Cath the suspected files these files was deleted directly but before it tell me if I clean it or to ignore.

    Some time it’s not a virus but PUA so it will be better if I did not clean or delete the files without asking.

    Is there any solution to back to this version because the installed version or file which I downloads it via Sophos account give me a Sophos home Premium version but The previous one which I uninstall it was Sophos home free.



  • Hi  

    For PUA detections, Sophos Home will provide you with an option asking the next action to be taken on the detected file. However, for other malicious files, it will try to clean the file. 

    If you are using Sophos Home Premium, please open a support ticket from your Home Dashboard so that one of our engineers can look into it.


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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