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Apps Freeze when Stay Connected is activated

I am using the free mobile Sophos for Android. (I have premium Sophos for my Apple Computer.)

Both my mobiles are having issues. I have to keep restarting the mobiles in order to access any application. After restarting the mobile the applications work until I click the 'Stay Connected' Sophos popup warning. After clicking 'Stay Connected'  I need to restart the mobiles yet again to get the applications to work. 

WhatsApp is one example and a local bus schedule app also locks up along with others. Google Playstore on one mobile is completely blocked and won't function.

Any indication of how to resolve this would be most welcome.

Thank you.

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  • Hi  

    I have moved your initial post to the Free tools group and removed the new one. 

    It would really help us if you can provide some additional details regarding the device and the operating system that you are using. As suggested before a screenshot might also help.


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • I appreciate the reply Gowtham,

    I actually mentioned in the repost that I was told to make that the apps just don't work after clicking the Sophos 'Stay Connected' Sophos popup warning after a restart. There is no warning or message from the apps, they are just like dead-links, so no screen shot. Not clicking this Sophos 'Stay Connected'  popup seems to allow the apps to work normally, but once this warning of  'Stay Connected' is clicked the apps cease to work - I guess they are being blocked somehow. 

    The main mobile is Redmi Note 4X with Android 7.0 NRD90M, MIUI version MIUI 1.1 Stable -  and the second mobile which along with other apps Google Play just has a blank screen is a LK K4 LTE with Android 5.1.1, Software version V10rEUR-XX

    I trust this is the information you required, but please advise is any other information you require.

  • Hi  

    Do you get an alert/error when you try opening those apps? Can you try reinstalling Sophos Mobile Security and try again?

    Yashraj Singha
    Manager | Global Community Support
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