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virus removal for mac?


I hope I'm posting in the right area. This is my first forum post (ever) so not sure what I'm doing. I was referred to the community forum by the Sophos chat rep.

I have a MacBook Pro (10.13.6) running the free version of Sophos (9.6.8). I've made sure it's updated and ran a scan earlier today after experiencing trouble with my computer. It noted '5 issues' (corrupted files in Rosetta Stone) but there was nothing in the quarantine manager.

This possibly came about today because I clicked in an email. Yes I know how stupid that sounds, and yes I do know better. It looked like a legit email from a fundraising offer, and I run a nonprofit dog rescue that always needs money to save dogs. So I clicked on what I thought was a link for their website. Then Safari started acting weird and now won't show me some webpages. For example I tried to download new printer drivers (because I thought something was wrong with my wireless printer today, not my computer) and all I get is a page that says 'no file or directory' in the upper left corner.

What can I do? If I purchase the paid version of Sophos, will it fix my problem?

Thank you.

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  • Hi cassandra,

    Will it be possible to provide some addtional details on the 5issues? Any log entries or screenshot that you can share here?


    Gowtham Mani
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi Gowtham,

    Thanks for the response. How's this? After I posted yesterday, I also went thru the 2 browsers that I was using and cleared out all of the history/cookies/etc.  The webpages that were displaying that weird message yesterday loaded properly after that. I'm sorry for being so ignorant, not sure what this signifies (do I have a virus or not lol). Thanks for your assistance. The attached is all that comes up in Sophos scan.  I can delete the entire Rosetta Stone application from my computer if necessary. I had also deleted that email I first referenced, emptied trash and rebuilt the mailbox (mac mail).

  • Hi Gowtham,

    Thanks for the response. How's this? After I posted yesterday, I also went thru the 2 browsers that I was using and cleared out all of the history/cookies/etc.  The webpages that were displaying that weird message yesterday loaded properly after that. I'm sorry for being so ignorant, not sure what this signifies (do I have a virus or not lol). Thanks for your assistance. The attached is all that comes up in Sophos scan.  I can delete the entire Rosetta Stone application from my computer if necessary. I had also deleted that email I first referenced, emptied trash and rebuilt the mailbox (mac mail).

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