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I see no evidence of my updates since 2015 ?!

I hit "Update Now" pretty regularly, but only finally noticed that the app says "Modified: Friday, May 29, 2015 3:26 PM".
The same is true for versions on any external HDs.

For some reason I also have "Sophos Anti-Virus Home Edition" in a Sophos folder within Applications as well, but Get Info on that reveals Modified on 2014.
Is there an updating confusion there ?

Also . .  anytime I have updated, it always fails to install the update at first, but is successful much quicker upon a second try.

Shouldn't there be some sign after it completes that updates have been installed since 2015 ?
When I click on the app with the Sully icon within Applications, it is indeed the one that opens in my dock.

Or is this all a mess ?

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  • Thank you Aditya, for your knowing hunch of where to look
    ( which I should've thought of as well ! )

    Wow !   

    The last few entries in Sophos Anti Virus. log show as
    "com.sophos.intercheck: zbot-lfe.ide  zbot-lfl.ide  zbot-lfn.ide    zeus-f.ide  zlader-g.ide 


    com.sophos.intercheck: Warning: Useful life of Sophos Anti-Virus has been exceeded


    Well, that's nice !! . .  WTF ??

    And under Sophos Update.log . .  see screen-shot w/ a most recent date of 2014.

    Btw, I can't see my initial entry as I compose this one, but did I mention how every update for years now fails the first time, then installs on a second try ?

    I should maybe just remove every single Sophos related component and start fresh perhaps ?
