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annoying pop up every few mins

I keep getting MICROPHONE IS ACTIVE pop ups from sophos,

constantly for the last few days,everytime i open a program,everytime i load a song from yt, its driving me crazy,sophos has worked fine for months now this


"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

"Microphone is currently active"

its driving me quite insane

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Parents Reply
  • Yes, I realize that I can stop the popups by disabling the feature.  I think the question is whether or not others are seeing the same bug when the feature is enabled and if so, can it can be fixed.  I think I'm looking for a solution that doesn't involve turning off the feature, because it's is a good feature and one of the reasons people will pay for the upgrade.
