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Sophos Safeguard Server File Encryption Backup Manual


Is there any official Sophos Safeguard Enterprise Backup howto Document.
Just need to be sure that I will have all components in case of need to recovery my Safeguard
Server and Active Directory.

Do I just need the Organization and Administrator Certificates (Export Function in Console)?

Kind regards


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Parents Reply
  • Hi Haridoss



    I am not sure but I think there are no information specially for the file encryption enterprise solution?

    For an example. If we expect that my complete IT infrastructur has gone (dc, fileserver, safeguard server, Clients).

    I have a backup of my fileshare (but those files are safeguard encrypted) and I need to recover just only the data as fast as possible.

    So I can restore my files from backup, but those are in encrypted state. What ecxactly do I need to do to encrypt my files?


    Kind regards
