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Safeguard Enterprise - Wrong Encryption Key

Hi guys, Now I have the following situation: I've made a policy for Device Encryption using the "Defined Machine Key" option. Everything was working correctly than I realize that some machines got a problem: the encryption key ( BOOT_MACHINENAME@domain ) have a different reference of the machine name, like the machine is computer1.domain and the encryption is BOOT_NOTEBOOK21@. I sync the Safeguard with Active Directory. Every new machine added to Active Directory we sync again. He also uses the SGN client inside an image for fast deployment, but without the configuration package. Questions: Does exist any recommendation for don't use the SGN client inside an image? This is the reason of the problem? Another question is if there is a way of the POA screen communicate with the Safeguard Server, or the machine receives a policy in the POA screen? Does exist any documentation about the output messages that are displayed when we sync AD ( the messages of the actions with the machines, like added, or renamed) happens? The definition of each action, because I'm not understanding clearly. Thank you in advance. Roberto Bruno

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