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'Old Password' Prompt - Events in Log?

Hi All,


I'm new to the forum and searched but couldn't find anything relating to this.


We are using SafeGuard client version 6.10 and SafeGuard Management Center version 8.0


Lots of our users are receiving the 'Old Password' prompt due to their password being out of Sync with their SafeGuard certificate.

Would anyone happen to know if there is a way to show only these events within the logs, so we can try and target these specific users?


I've had a look but can't see anything specifically relating to this, only '2010 SGNCredProv failed' and '2010 SGNAuthApp Failed' events. 



Thanks for your assistance

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  • Hi Growtham,


    Many thanks for your reply.

    We are currently planning around upgrading SafeGuard.


    I understand what the issue is, and how to resolve it, however I am looking for a simple way to

    proactively find users that are receiving the prompt at logon (as opposed to resolve the issue for all).


    Thank you

    1. In the SafeGuard Management Center > Users and Computers, locate the user, open their Certificate tab, and left-click to highlight their certificate.
    2. Delete the user's old certificate by selecting, in the toolbar, Actions > Remove.
    3. Have the user synchronize the client with the server by right-clicking the SafeGuard systray icon and selecting Synchronize
    4. Once the sync is complete, have them log out of Windows and back in again (still with the temporary password). They should not be prompted for their old password.