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Allow emails from selected domains to internal distribution groups


I have arequirement where i need to restrict all external emails to some distribution groups except from some selective domains. How to achive that . i am using Sophos Mail Applaince.

Appreciate your early contribution.


Z. Rather

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  • Ok, I have couple of Local email Distribution Groups and need to restrict them So only some 20 Domains could send emails to these couple of local email distribution groups from outside. everyone else is discarded or blocked.

    Can i have  such rule/policy on sophos mail appliance.


    Z. Rather

  • Hi  

    If the communication takes place over POP/IMAP, we will not be able to achieve your requirements. I would suggest raising a request with technical support to explore the option which may help you further

    With POP3 and IMAP protocols, as mail client initiates the mail transfer and is already aware of the number of emails to be received, Cyberoam cannot reject any mails.

    Due to this limitation of POP3 implementation, Cyberoam cannot reject mails even if they are infected. As an alternative, to inform the user about spam and virus-infected emails, Cyberoam has a provision to tag the mail transferred via any of the Mail protocols and lets the user deal with the mail. 

    Similar is the case with IMAP implementation, while with SMTP protocol this is not the case hence Cyberoam can reject the mail if required.

    By tagging POP3 and IMAP spam mails, the user has the flexibility to move the tagged emails to a separate folder or automatically delete indicating in the scanning rule to check for the tagged text in the subject line of the mail.

    POP3 RFC

    As per the RFC 1939, The Post Office Protocol - Version 3 (POP3) is intended to permit a client/user/workstation to dynamically access a maildrop on a server.  This means that the POP3 is used to allow a workstation to retrieve mail that the server is holding for it.  

    In other words, when the POP3 client sends a request for the mail transfer, the mail is already dropped in the mail server. Mail client simply “pops” or “polls” the mail from mail server.  

    Again as per the RFC 1939, POP3 is not intended to provide extensive manipulation operations of mail on the server.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support
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  • Hi,

    It is SMTP - from Mail Appliance to our internal Exchange server.

  • Hi  

    Could you please provide the exact packet flow of your requirements? it would help us to assist you better.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Support
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  • Thanks.

    When ever an email hits mail Appliance from internet addressed to it should allow it to deliver only if the domain is in exception or in allowed list in the rule/policy , if in place.

    Rest of the emails discard or quarantine. But rest of the emails should flow as normal.

    This is to limit the distribution group  to receive emails fome some domains only.

    Hope it is clear.


    Z. Rather