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this conection private dont mobile device

Good day I have the following problem I configured a profile for navigation of mobile devices with transparent authentication via browser

The problem we have is that on Android devices, IOS when want to browse always appears the message private connection and does not appear the option of atuentica via passwtrought

I wanted to see if something different could be done or the certificate should be installed by force

dont see

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  • Hi,

    I am not sure if that works, I personally never tried it but, how about excluding the passthroxx URL (defining it into a new category) from the Decrypt and Scan category. Let us know if that workaround helps.


    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Good Day 


    Note that we already made this configuration but it does not work as a whitelist or as an exception

  • Hi there.

    That's not what Sachin suggested. His suggestion is to add a new entry at Web Protection / Filtering Options / Websites containing the passthrough URL and overriding the category to a category not included in "Scan These Categorized Websites", provided that you are using the option "Decrypt and scan the following" to only decrypt and scan specific categories and not the broader "Decrypt and scan" option on your "RED VISITAS CLARO" profile. I guess it's possible that this might take precedence over exceptions. 

    I'm very curious to see if this would work. Although I'm pretty sure that there's no way around this than loading the UTM CA into the mobile devices. 

    Regards - Giovani