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Can one access point be used by two wireless networks?

We need two wireless networks in our facility, one as a bridged LAN for employee use and one as a hotspot for customers. Is this possible using one physical AP 55C or do we need two?

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  • I can't seem to get this to work.

    I can configure a bridge to the LAN (with no hotspot) that works perfectly.

    I can configure a hotspot (with no bridge) that works. Clients have Internet access.

    When I assign the same hotspot to both, the bridge works, but the clients connected to the hotspot can't get to the internet.

  • Any thoughts on this?

    I've verified the problem. As soon as I assign the hotspot to the bridged network (leaving it also assigned to the hotspot network), clients on the hotspot network lose their internet connection. As soon as I remove it from the bridged network, the hotspot network works.

  • Any thoughts on this?

    I've verified the problem. As soon as I assign the hotspot to the bridged network (leaving it also assigned to the hotspot network), clients on the hotspot network lose their internet connection. As soon as I remove it from the bridged network, the hotspot network works.
