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Circumventing quota time allocation

I have my UTM configured to apply quota to media streaming but I found an issue.  The check on available time only seems to be done at the start of the streaming, the consequence of this is that a user can allocate 10 minutes of their allowed quota and then kick of a streamed video and be able to watch the whole thing even if it is several hours long.  

Does anyone know of a way to stop this ?



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  • I think the problem is that the quota appears to be checked at the begginging of a strame and is then not terminated when the quota runs out.

    If you applied the quota to something like normal web page access then this is not a problem but when you apply it to a media stream which can last a couple of hours to does not work properly. :-(
  • I think the problem is that the quota appears to be checked at the begginging of a strame and is then not terminated when the quota runs out.

    If you applied the quota to something like normal web page access then this is not a problem but when you apply it to a media stream which can last a couple of hours to does not work properly. :-(
  • There is a similar issue with online game sites e.g. based on Adobe Flash/Shockwave Player. The quota is checked via URL request when you start playing. During the game no URL request is sent. Therefore the time quota check cannot be performed, and you get unlimited play time. The following scenario is possible: At the beginning of your play time quota you open different games in different browser tabs, getting a real huge playground for many hours. Is there any way to fix this issue within the UTM 9? I searching for a mechanism which limits the play time independently from URL requests.