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Routing to internal network doesn't work



i set up a PPTP VPN by following this guide:

The VPN connection works. However, i can't reach the local network, neither via RDP, ping or whatever.

A traceroute from an internal server to the vpn client stops at the gateway. Same happens from the client.

The firewall log shows that the rule is executed (green, when trying from both sites) but it doesn't seem to get through.

I also deactivated the local firewall but the issue is still the same.


Any ideas?

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Parents Reply
  • Peter, I'm not comfortable following links to external sites.  We can't know if that is properly protected. The only malware I've gotten in over 10 years was from an external link to a picture in this forum several years ago.  Was there anything relevant in the Firewall Live Log?

    Cheers - Bob

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