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HTML 5 VPN Portal

Hi guys I have problem with my UTM 9 installation, it is running on Hyper-V.

Problem is when I connect to VPN portal and try to start RDP connection I get a message Internal Server Error.

Weird thing is that is used to work and then just stopped.

HTML 5 VPN Portal log shows:

2017:11:18-09:55:31 fw01 screenmgr[15935]: Client 5: authenticated: user='xxxx'
2017:11:18-09:55:32 fw01 screenmgr[15935]: Client 5: start screen requested: REF_CliConApp01
2017:11:18-09:55:32 fw01 screenmgr[15935]: Client 5: 500: Internal Server Error: Could not create home directory
I am unable to pinpoint what is the problem, have any of got the same problem or can help me?
Thank you.

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