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Configure jump between ssl and ipsec vpn

Good morning. I need to make a configuration in the firewall to be able to access a server that we have available through an ipsec vpn. the connection scheme is this:

I need one user off ssl vpn (10.242.2.x) conect to the office. This works fine..... And this users works on the same range of network ( From this range I can access the external server 195.223.78.xx through an ipsec tunnel. This validates the IP of the internal network(, but I cannot request that they add a new one since they take a long time (4 months).

I cannot get a user through vpn to access the external server through ipsec ... how can I configure it?

Thank you

Note: I could change the range of the vpn pool for the internal 10.0.0.x ... but if I do, I get to the server in question, the problem is that in all posts the internet stops working ....

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