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Configure jump between ssl and ipsec vpn

Good morning. I need to make a configuration in the firewall to be able to access a server that we have available through an ipsec vpn. the connection scheme is this:

I need one user off ssl vpn (10.242.2.x) conect to the office. This works fine..... And this users works on the same range of network ( From this range I can access the external server 195.223.78.xx through an ipsec tunnel. This validates the IP of the internal network(, but I cannot request that they add a new one since they take a long time (4 months).

I cannot get a user through vpn to access the external server through ipsec ... how can I configure it?

Thank you

Note: I could change the range of the vpn pool for the internal 10.0.0.x ... but if I do, I get to the server in question, the problem is that in all posts the internet stops working ....

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  • You need to configure the 195.223.78.xx network inside the Remote SSL VPN so the client knows that this traffic should go to the UTM.

    Then in the UTM you need to add a SNAT rule:

    Traffic from: SSL VPN Pool
    Going to: 195.223.78.xx
    Using service: any (or something more restrictive)

    Translate source to: Internal (Address)

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.

  • You need to configure the 195.223.78.xx network inside the Remote SSL VPN so the client knows that this traffic should go to the UTM.

    Then in the UTM you need to add a SNAT rule:

    Traffic from: SSL VPN Pool
    Going to: 195.223.78.xx
    Using service: any (or something more restrictive)

    Translate source to: Internal (Address)

    Managing several Sophos firewalls both at work and at some home locations, dedicated to continuously improve IT-security and feeling well helping others with their IT-security challenges.
