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SSL VPN traffic through a specific WAN



We've just added a secondary WAN which is much faster then the first one and i was wondering if there's any way to force SSL VPN users go through it when accessing our internal network?




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  • You can chose the Interface the SSL VPN Users will be using under Remote, SSL, Settings. I guess users would need to download the config file once the change was made.

  • Already tried that, didn't work.

  • Interesting. I've tried myself and encountered the same issue.

    Set the interface-address to ANY, and put the hostname of the desired WAN interface into the "override hostname" field. I just tried this, and the downloaded config now points to the correct line. Not sure if this is the behaviour it should show by design.

    Does this work for you?

    /edit: unfortunately, this will create an additional route for your users to chose from, as the old one is not updated/overwritten. But this could be by design of the ovpn client.

  • Interesting. I've tried myself and encountered the same issue.

    Set the interface-address to ANY, and put the hostname of the desired WAN interface into the "override hostname" field. I just tried this, and the downloaded config now points to the correct line. Not sure if this is the behaviour it should show by design.

    Does this work for you?

    /edit: unfortunately, this will create an additional route for your users to chose from, as the old one is not updated/overwritten. But this could be by design of the ovpn client.
