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Sophos SUM - How do you get rid of https:// (red strike through)?

How do you get rid of https:// (red strike through) in Chrome browser?

Thanks in advance


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  • What do you have under [Management] >> [System Settings] >> [Hostname]?


    The certificate will only validate for the FQDN in that field, not just the short name.

  • It was previously just the server name, but this morning I added the FQDN and then when back into 'webadmin settings' and 'https cert' then, 'import ca cert' then installed, but still the same :(

  • Hi,


    sorry got it Wrong ... you want to accept the CA of the self-signed cert of Sum, right ?

    so you have to download the CA, then click install, then manually select the storage, install it in "trusted CAs", restart browser.

    sorry it is in german ... but it should be something like trusted publishers

    Can you tell us the error IE gives u ?






  • Hi Chris,

    I've tried all sorts of combinations. My setup is as follows:

    I have a an Network Administrators AD group which works correctly and lets me log in to SUM.

    I go to 'webadmin settings' and 'import CA cert' and tested on both IEv11 and Chrome. Chrome says 'not secure' and https has a red line through it. IEv11 says 'certificate error' but connects via https.

    The hostname is the FQDN and within 'choose webadmin/user portal cert' I have tried nearly all possible certificates.

    Do I need to do something within 'certificate management'?

    many thanks


  • Cracked it.

    I was using a shortcut DNS name (SUM:4444) as soon as I entered https://<servername><FQDN>:4444 - It worked!

    Now onto iView (Shoot me)

  • Hi,

    Andy Edward said:

    I was using a shortcut DNS name (SUM:4444) as soon as I entered https://<servername><FQDN>:4444 - It worked!

    that was, what wanted to tell you.

    Hte FQDN of a machine does always look like srv.domain.tld 'cause of this it is called FullyQuallifiedDomainName ;-)

    Pls mark thread as Solved


