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Port forwarding

i am having trouble with setting up port forwarding for the game The Division, the ubisoft website says the following ports should be forwarded:

UDP: 33000 to 33499
TCP: 27015, 51000, 55000 to 55999, 56000 to 56999


the screenshot above are the rules i have setup, firstly are these correct? if they are the game will still not work.

I'm 99.999% sure its a firewall issue as the game worked before i stated to use the UTM as a gateway and was only using it for a proxy, i've checked the firewall log whilst trying the game and nothing is being blocked between my pc and the internet and the internet and my pc.

i've even tried allowing all ports through to my pc and that doesn't work. i have read the RULZ but as ive said the logs don't seem to point to anything and i think ive created the NAT correctly

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Parents Reply
  • this is everything i use here and i play division ALOT. When me and my GF play at the same time either of us sometimes gets a disconnect, but that was a few weeks ago and might have had something to do with their servers.

    I had problems with IDS, Advanced Thread Protection and Application Control before with all kind of stuff, deactivating that usually helped. Did you only turn off IDS or also the rest aswell?


    Sophos UTM 9.3 Certified Engineer
