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port 3391


we have a DNAT that allow connection to our Rdgateway server 2012 R2 on port 443, on of the customer complaint that when they try to open a published application they get an error.

I did check the FW logs and see this:

2017:08:24-15:05:52 securitysrv1-2 ulogd[7658]: id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="60001" initf="eth0" mark="0x21d9" app="473" srcmac="54:e0:32:06:76:9a" dstmac="00:1a:8c:f0:0f:a0" srcip="217.XX.XX.30" dstip="62.XX.XX.164" proto="17" length="203" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="119" srcport="35703" dstport="3391"

I understand the 6001 means the port is not accessble and as I said we did only open the port 443. what I dont understand is this entry in the live FW log:

Should we also port 3391 as well?


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  • Thanks for the reply,

    I did check our other RDgateway server, where we can open the published apps and still we see the drop line so  now we know that the drops are not the root issue.

    what I dont unserstand is, normaly we see udp drops for 3391 why the log says ssl?


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