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port 3391


we have a DNAT that allow connection to our Rdgateway server 2012 R2 on port 443, on of the customer complaint that when they try to open a published application they get an error.

I did check the FW logs and see this:

2017:08:24-15:05:52 securitysrv1-2 ulogd[7658]: id="2001" severity="info" sys="SecureNet" sub="packetfilter" name="Packet dropped" action="drop" fwrule="60001" initf="eth0" mark="0x21d9" app="473" srcmac="54:e0:32:06:76:9a" dstmac="00:1a:8c:f0:0f:a0" srcip="217.XX.XX.30" dstip="62.XX.XX.164" proto="17" length="203" tos="0x00" prec="0x00" ttl="119" srcport="35703" dstport="3391"

I understand the 6001 means the port is not accessble and as I said we did only open the port 443. what I dont understand is this entry in the live FW log:

Should we also port 3391 as well?


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