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UTM 9.5 & Masq NAT issues

Hey All,

I have recently applied 9.5 to my UTM fleet and am experiencing some issues.

2 Issues:

first- Any of my AWS UTM's are no unable to hit the internet with the default MASQ rule, or if a secondary IP with additional Elastic is bound then it goes out the. fixed the latter by disabling secondary IP, left for a bit then renabled and all went back to the Default NAT. the Former, cant get operational, even after some reboots so I have hosts behind the firewall that cant get out. in addition, the SMTP service on the UTM cant send outbound email.

second: any devices with Masq NAT's against an additional IP cannot get out to the internet. tried disabling enabling the IP and MASQ rule and still nothing.


Anyone Expericing this? also logging and SR.




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