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Steam / CS:GO

Hi all,

I succesfully installed the Sophos UTM9 (home).

I got many stuff working, like webserver. Other VPN tunneling device to the office and so on.

there is one thin that I don't get working and that is CS:GO.

I opened up the ports 27000 till 27030 as described on the Steam channels, changed some settings in the client to match ipv4 addresses, but upon entering a game (casual in this case) it failes after 30 retries.

I can see with the log on the Sophos that no related traffic is blocked and I can see with a wireshark trace that traffic from that specific game-server is ending up on my machine. My machine responds accordingly.

Tried to disable web-filtering and so on, but without succes.

As other matchmaking games ARE working (like rocket-league) I'm completely confused..

Who has the golden tip?

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Parents Reply
  • Hi Bob,

    Thanks for the suggestion.
    Unfortunatly in my situation this isn't fixed.

    I have version 9.409-9
    Maybe my provider is giving out the wrong MTU and is not related to the UTM.
    As on the provider community I see a lot of discussions about this topic as well.



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