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Time Based web filter policies not working

Hello folks,

I have just moved from sophos Home SG to XG, I used to able to use time based web filtering policies. I understand I can do here as well for some reason I cant see them working. I have a default policy which allows all traffic I have then created a new policy which denies access to games/advertisement etc between certain times of the day during the week. I have added specific user to the policy because I want to target specific users not all.

This policy does not seem to work. I had setup similar sort of policy in SG and it used to work perfectly fine. Is there anyone who can tell me what I am doing wrong or how should this be done.

Thanks  - Alam

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Parents Reply
  • Hi

    I was testing so changed that to any user, I have changed it back now, I have added myself in users. I have a client installed on my laptop for authentication in theory it should block me on my laptop on the VM i have no authentication method so I should bypass as you said. But that doesn't seem to be the case i can by pass either way

