Google on netflix and then limit the search to the last month.
Cheers - Bob
1) In UTM add a DNS Group entry for (should return 11 ip).
2) In CrashPlan open the Destinations section and the "cloud" tab, click crashplan central and look at the value in "Internet Address" .. note this down.
3) In UTM Create a DNS Host with the name you noted in the step before. (You dont need the port part ":443"). - If the value was an IP Address create a host entry instead.
4) IN the UTM now create a group Network Group and drop the previously created entries into it.
5) In Web Filtering -> Filtering Options -> Misc Tab, drop the new group you created into the Skip transparent mode destination hosts/nets and save.
Should now be working.
One thing to note however, Crashplan assigns a unique GID to each machine and the location found in step 2 can be different for each machine. (Once assigned it doesnt change) so if you use multiple machines to your central cloud then you may well have different IP addresses. (Crashplan uses a distributed datacentre environment).
If this is the case just add that extra address as another host in the group and it will maintain that way.
Hope this helps
I've taken a slightly different and more broad approach because the previous solution doesn't last when Crashplan randomly changes the backup URL.
I've got three servers on the Pro plan, and have gone through 5 URL changes since the UTM was deployed in November. On the most recently added server Crashplan has changed the destination URL twice in 3 days, so a new solution was in order.
I noticed all of the previous URLs I had been assigned were in the 162.222.4x.0 range.
I checked ARIN's network registration for Code42 and verified that they have been assigned the block (
Therefore, I've added that entire /21 network an exception.
Since the and hostnames have both been used on my Pro plan in the past, I kept them both as separate DNS group entries.
In summary,
Go to Web Protection > Filtering Options > Misc tab
Add the following: