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HELP - Reporting no longer working

I'm hoping for some community help! 

I recently transferred my configuration to new(er) hardware and in terms of performance/traffic it's running as expected. This was a clean install of 9.503-4 and my config was imported successfully during the initial wizard. The problem I'm having is that with the exception of my Log Files (todays and archived) I'm getting no reporting. Even the Dashboard Threat Status shows all zeros. The Log Partition Status shows all zeros, and only the 'Hardware' and 'Network Usage' pages show anything in graphs. I've also noticed that I'm no longer getting Executive reports although I do get other alert emails so I know my SMTP settings are correct. I tried to generate an ad hoc Executive Report on my gateway and it just spun without ever completing. 

All of these pretty graphs and things worked on my old platform running the exact same code (though it wasn't a clean install... it was upgraded over time). I've tried rebooting but I'm not sure what else to do, other than possibly rush to install 9.504 but this doesn't seem to be a systemic issue with 9.503. The best matches for similar community posts were from 10+ years ago.

I will say FWIW that I am using remote syslog as well which is working correctly, and that isn't something that was added with this new install. The data is all there, it just doesn't seem to be getting parsed and presented properly. It feels like some sort of DB issue but I have no idea on how to go about troubleshooting/fixing that. I've tried the simple reboot to no avail.


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  • If you have SSH access you can try to rebuild the postgres, this will loose any data in there (but this maybe not odds in your case)


    /etc/init.d/postgresql92 rebuild



    Thanks, Duncan

  • Hmm, I wonder if you're on to something....



    Thoughts on next steps? I really appreciate the help.

  • You could try to manually re start it :

    /etc/init.d/postgresql92 restart

    However this may not work for you.

    run top from command line if its running it should show in top processes.

    Eg one of mine looks like this :-

    30180 root 20 0 86480 80m 2304 R 86 0.2 148:25.80 ad-sync.plx
    9735 postgres 20 0 1610m 405m 400m R 81 1.0 19:00.22 postgres
    56601 httpprox 20 0 2447m 2.0g 12m S 59 5.0 789:15.15 httpproxy
    31396 root 20 0 627m 529m 9248 S 21 1.3 1995:36 cssd
    4473 root 15 -5 53548 48m 536 S 13 0.1 1807:32 conntrackd
    36281 root 20 0 0 0 0 Z 12 0.0 0:00.35 confd.plx 

    Thanks, Duncan

  • You could try to manually re start it :

    /etc/init.d/postgresql92 restart

    However this may not work for you.

    run top from command line if its running it should show in top processes.

    Eg one of mine looks like this :-

    30180 root 20 0 86480 80m 2304 R 86 0.2 148:25.80 ad-sync.plx
    9735 postgres 20 0 1610m 405m 400m R 81 1.0 19:00.22 postgres
    56601 httpprox 20 0 2447m 2.0g 12m S 59 5.0 789:15.15 httpproxy
    31396 root 20 0 627m 529m 9248 S 21 1.3 1995:36 cssd
    4473 root 15 -5 53548 48m 536 S 13 0.1 1807:32 conntrackd
    36281 root 20 0 0 0 0 Z 12 0.0 0:00.35 confd.plx 

    Thanks, Duncan

  • Thanks again Duncan for lending a hand...

    #####:/home/login # /etc/init.d/postgresql92 restart
    :: Restarting PostgreSQLpg_ctl: PID file "/var/storage/pgsql92/data/" does not exist
    Is server running?
    starting server anyway
    pg_ctl: could not read file "/var/storage/pgsql92/data/postmaster.opts"

    And not surprisingly, top did not show postgres at all. Is this repairable or am I looking at a rebuild? As stated though, this build is fresh to 9.503 and is literally only a couple weeks old so I don't see how it's had much time to 'corrupt' or something. Would jumping the line to install 9.504 potentially help fix up whatever issue exists? I did verify that neither file noted above exists, can I do something to have them reinitialized/created/copied from someone/somewhere else?

  • Is this part of a HA pair or a standalone ?

    Thanks, Duncan

  • It's standalone... a pretty basic setup. Home use license running on a ProLiant DL380 G6.

  • If you have a backup of your config and the logs archived off on syslog etc then I might be tempted to do a reinstall it might be quicker and easier.  I would then update to the latest firmware, if your a home user some of the minor bugs are unlikely to effect you. 

    Thanks, Duncan

  • Well it has been a horrific last 30 hours.....  I have encountered what I can only assume now is a corrupted backup (actually a few??). I took a fresh backup of my system and actually downloaded the previous one for good measure and decided to reinstall fresh to 9.503 (the latest iso on the site as of the time I looked). The install went fine, in the first time wizard I imported my config, and yup thats it. Via cli I could tell it imported my config because the passwords and hostnames changed BUT the interfaces were all messed up. After quite a bit of googling and testing and reinstalling and even rolling back to an earlier OS version.. I found that sometimes (best I can say.. I found no pattern) it would update SOME of the interfaces based on my import, but only keep them for 10 to 20 seconds and then drop them all. On a few occasions I was able to log into the WebUI and see that although it did import my vlans, they still were not right. Luckily!!!, I auto-email myself backup configs weekly. I went back to a version from about 2 months ago... yes I did lose some config changes I've made.. it worked!


    Well, sorta...


    I'm back up and running but now I'm still dealing with the PostgreSQL issue. No reporting again. This is a fresh brand new install to 9.503 and my config from mid-August. I don't get it :( I don't see how my regular old config could break the service on the OS I'm not modifying... and FWIW, the reporting was still working at the time of the config I re-imported. At this point I'll either just deal with it being broken or try to figure out how to fix SQL. Or maybe I'll just start documenting everything and start from scratch, but I REALLY don't want to do that.

  • Please anyone, any other ideas?

    I have now gone as far as a fresh install direct to 9.505 and rebuilding my config from scratch, zero config import. Reporting is once again not working and I have zero clue why or what else to do. This is an OS install direct onto bare metal, no VM involved. I made no modifications via CLI which rules out my tampering, everything I've done has been via the WebUI.

    Next thoughts? Can I manually repair Postgre (I have no idea, that is getting out of my area of expertise and you never know what you can do on a FW image vs Linux)?

  • Matt, you must run the rebuild command as root, not as loginuser.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Hi Bob,

    I was logged in as root when I executed the command. I'm still getting this when trying to rebuild, restart, or start:

    PID file "/var/storage/pgsql92/data/" does not exist

    I've found there were release notes in 9.408 specific to this (I'm running a new install on 9.505). I'm also not running in HA/Cluster mode and verified the settings/options are off. For giggles I did try enabling it in Automatic mode to see if it jiggled anything but no dice. I also found an old forum topic noting the same error ( but I am definitely not having a disk space issue. 

    So, since I'm not running a cluster, am I even barking up the right tree for my issue? Basically what I'm encountering is, on a brand new install with a new configuration I have no reporting on my UTM. The Live Log files are good but graphs, charts, 'Todays Threat Status' etc shows all zeros or No Data Available.

  • "I was logged in as root when I executed the command."

    That's not what your posts show.  You are logged in as loginuser because you're still in the /home/login directory.  After you login as root, you will be in the /root directory.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • I don't really want to argue about it but my prompt changed from > to # and you get permission denied if you try as loginuser.


    Anyway, I have tried the command 

    /etc/init.d/postgresql92 rebuild

    from /home/login

    from /root

    and /