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How can I log / monitor the used bandwidth externally?

Hey everyone,
As the topic says, I'm searching for a way to log the utilization of my network externally.
So I found this:, bus as far as I can see, IPTraf will only give me insights when I log into the console.
I'd prefer in the most simple way something which logs it into a file.

I wouldn't even care (but instead prefer!) if it would write just a single line into a text file and overwrite it continuously.
On my network, I got a media server with some friends beeing able to access media from it via my internet connection.
I don't care what they do - but would be interested to see how much my PPPoE is utilized throughout the day.

As I use home automation, I could parse this line with the home automation server software I use (IP-Symcon), this could be written into a variable and displayed in nice graphs and do all kind of calculations.

Do you have any idea what I could do? I even enabled syslog-logging, but from what I've seen so far, this information is not useful at all.

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  • Matthias, that thread is over ten years old, and a lot of capability has been added.  Look at the 'Bandwidth Usage' tab in 'Logging & Reporting >> Network Usage'.

    If the access is always via HTTP/S, then, with some extra effort, you could use the custom, automatically-emailed reports in 'Logging & Reporting >> Web Protection'.  If you're interested in that, please open a new thread with that question.

    Cheers - Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • Thanks for the hint - but I already knew both of it.
    My idea is to log / view this data live, maybe even on the go - without using VPN, logging in etc.
    I'd like to get the data outside of UTM somehow - isn't there any idea / solution.

  • Hi Matthias,

    The monitoring is possible via graphs and reports as mentioned by Bob. I don't think an additional feature will be incorporated when an alternative is available. You can still raise it as a feature request here and cast your votes.

    Fingers crossed.

    Sachin Gurung
    Team Lead | Sophos Technical Support
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    Remember to like a post.  If a post (on a question thread) solves your question use the 'This helped me' link.

  • I'm not using it - but I know a lot of people / companies use NAGIOS, so they can get the syslog-info. But this would not help them to have the utilization info in one place.
    Same for me - its not Nagios - but I try to have it integrated in the (quite powerful) home automation.


  • I'm not using it - but I know a lot of people / companies use NAGIOS, so they can get the syslog-info. But this would not help them to have the utilization info in one place.
    Same for me - its not Nagios - but I try to have it integrated in the (quite powerful) home automation.


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