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Problems with Auth. server


I´ve a UTM 125 and two AD servers and I´d like to integrate this device with de AD

I tried to configure  like that:

DN : CN=ldap user,OU=Administrador,DC=xxxx,DC=NET but with those parameters,

Server exists and accepts connections, but  bind to xxxxxxx  failed with this BIND  and Password

Any idea?

Regards and thanks

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  • I have a similar problem:

    When I type Bind DN, Password and hit "Test" -> Server test passed.

    Then close with "save" an reopen with "Edit" another click on "Test" results in "Error: Server exists and accepts connections, but bind to ldap:// failed with this Bind DN and Password"

    Not difference between "user@domain.tld" an "CN=user,CN=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=TLD"

    Any Ideas?

  • I have a similar problem:

    When I type Bind DN, Password and hit "Test" -> Server test passed.

    Then close with "save" an reopen with "Edit" another click on "Test" results in "Error: Server exists and accepts connections, but bind to ldap:// failed with this Bind DN and Password"

    Not difference between "user@domain.tld" an "CN=user,CN=Users,DC=DOMAIN,DC=TLD"

    Any Ideas?
