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On site SIP / PBX server and SG135 UTM configuration

Hello all,  (Sophos Novice and networking newb)

We just moved offices and Internet service providers (ADSL to Fibre) and as our current VOIP provider (which I'm looking to replace and predates me joining the company when it was first installed) isn't available to potentially assist in moving their gear to our new office until next week, I'm looking for a bit of setup assistance. 

No internal addresses have changed, literally the WAN connections are the only change (ADSL WAN1 80.X.X.X for our gear and ADSL WAN2 70.x.x.x  - they had their own dedicated loop)

Here is how the old (ADSL) setup was configured and working:

ADSL (WAN2) Static IP ==> Cisco 860 VAE (WAN) 70.X.X.X IP
                               Cisco 860 VAE (LAN) ==> on-site PBX/SIP (A NUC 1 port ethernet device by the looks of it) IP
                               Cisco 860 VAE (LAN1) ==> POE SWITCH  ==> Polycoms STATIC IPs>99

As we'll now be giving them a static IP from our Fiber block on a new range, and no longer have their C 860 VAE in the mix should I be connecting their PBX/SIP to an ETH (let's say ETH5) on the SG 135 and then somehow routing VOIP traffic destined for the SIP to ETH5........OR..........should I just slap the VOIP/PBX onto the network switches?

NEW scenarios:

Fiber (static IP from pool of 25 addresses 66.x.x.1-25) ==> SOPHOS SG 135 - ETH1 ==> SWITCHES
                                                                                              SOPHOS SG 135 - ETH5 ==> VOIP/PBX  internal IP                      (these two ETH are then bridged?)




Fiber (static IP from pool of 25 addresses 66.x.x.1-25) ==> SOPHOS SG 135 - ETH1 ==> SWITCHES  <==> VOIP/PBX               (just plug and pray?)


I imagine (and without access to the VOIP/PBX direct settings) that they have their gateway going to their old ADSL IP (70.X.X.X) and they will have to change it to our/their new external IP .......or....... our Sophos internal IP GW ?




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