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Error in HA Management Log

After upgrading to 9.702-1 I noticed the following error in the HA log...


repctl[7121]: [i] recheck(1057): got ALRM: replication recheck triggered Setup_replication_done = 1


What does this error mean? Everything is performing normally.


I am running an SG310 (Master / Slave) in HA.

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  • Do you get this message repeatedly?
    Try to restart the slave.
    Check reporting/hardware.
    Do you see cpu charts for local and remote device?



    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
    If a post solves your question, click the 'Verify Answer' link at this post.

  • Do you get this message repeatedly?
    Try to restart the slave.
    Check reporting/hardware.
    Do you see cpu charts for local and remote device?



    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
    If a post solves your question, click the 'Verify Answer' link at this post.
