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Network Bandwidth Utilisation

Network Utilisation/ Bandwidth Utilisation shows incorrect data for me. In the last 2 hours, my 300/50 connection has been almost saturated (intentionally) in both directions, and I can see i have downloaded about 180GB so far, all to the same client. The report says 45GB for that client covering the entire day. Running 9.700-5, no CPU or RAM constraint shown. the exported data also adds up the the same value (not surorisingly I guess), so presumably the recording is not reflecting reality. Can anyone explain why I'm seeing this? I've never looked at this before, so I don't know if this is a new symptom or not.



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  • I have enabled logging on the rule - after 42GB downloading, the value for today for that host has increased by 4.6GB. There is no other traffic from this host, and this is the only torrent running. The logs do show the connections being made from the time at which I enabled it. 

    What I actually want to know how much data has passed through the firewall in a given period of time (by the day usually), and I guess I was expecting this log to show that. If it doesn't / can't, that's fine, but it would be useful.