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quarantined email release fails

Releasing has recently gone wrong on my macos Sierra machine.

Tried it with Safari, Firefox and Chrome but all fail:

Safari Can't Open the Page "https://<fqdn>:3840/release.plc?proto=smtp&mp;cluster_id=0&amp;message_id=1c2X06-0006pM-MV&amp;size=3469&amp;whitelist;0" because Safari can't establish a secure connection to the server "<fqdn>".

Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to SSL received a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length. Error code: SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG


This site can’t provide a secure connection
<fqdn> sent an invalid response
Try running Network Diagnostics.



Now, a day later I found out that Safari is redirecting the http://<fqdn>:3840 to a https request. Odd. anyone experiencing similar issue?



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Parents Reply
  • Yes we can ping the fqdn from both internal and external utm interfaces, both return the same, correct IP. There is no problem with the DNS.

    On clicking the release link utm http daemon log has this

    2018:03:27-12:19:36 utm httpd: - - [27/Mar/2018:12:19:36 +0100] "\x16\x03\x01" 404 -
    2018:03:27-12:19:36 utm httpd: - - [27/Mar/2018:12:19:36 +0100] "\x16\x03\x01" 404 -
  • I said from your PC, not UTM

  • testing the fqdn with openssl

    prosserg@ITRoom-Mint ~ $ openssl s_client -connect utm.<fqdn>:3840
    140409629832864:error:140770FC:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:unknown protocol:s23_clnt.c:795:
    no peer certificate available
    No client certificate CA names sent
    SSL handshake has read 7 bytes and written 295 bytes
    New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
    Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
    Compression: NONE
    Expansion: NONE

    The utm has no virtual server configured for SSL on port 3840, yet the utm is causing the browser (I'm now using Firefox on Linux) to switch from http to https

    BUT as previously noted, the same release link works fine on an iPhone (Safari)


  • Of course that is what I was doing and reporting, from a PC inside the network and from a PC outside the network. I was confirming that DNS is correct.

  • Test the Host configuration as I said before.
    You are entering in loopback. And you didnt mentioned your IPHONE Connection 3G or wifi

    If You are from outside you can release the email from your external IP, from inside from your internal
    Hope you are clear on tha

  • Oldeda

    iPhone works fine on wifi and on 3G

    utm httpd: - - [27/Mar/2018:13:24:26 +0100] "GET /release.plc? <----internal device

    utm httpd: - - [27/Mar/2018:13:25:19 +0100] "GET /release.plc? <----external device

    You say 'you are entering in loopback' - I appreciate you are trying to help, but that phrase doesn't make sense to me. 

    You say test this configuration

    Name:  utm
    Type:   Host 
    Ip4 Address: (your internal interface IP) 
    DHCP: No DHCP Server
    DNS Settings: (your FQDN that is equal in Quarantine Configuration Hostname)

    so what definition do you propose for my other internal networks (5 in total) ?


  • Internal Network Address for all 5 internals, because you can reach this IP from all internal networks. 

  • Oldeda

    can you explain exactly what you meant by 'a loopback' effect ?

    I still don't understand why a non-ssl client request to the utm on port 3840 is converted to ssl (on the same port) for SOME but not all clients, thus generating the error I've reported.


  • Because you may have some NAT rules for WAN interface, waf or web filter. You are hitting wan address i think

  • Maybe

    but on click release link

    web filter - nothing in its log

    waf - nothing reported in its log

    nat rules - we have 2 which relate to the external IP matching the fqdn I have cited

    there is nothing in the web server log of GEORGE_SECURED indicating 'release' requests are being directed there - not surprising since HTTP = port 80, while release request is for port 3840


  • Gary, I don't understand - are clients in the same subnet treated differently?  How do you know that some aren't switched from HTTP to HTTPS - is it possible that they're using a different browser or ???

    Are you using split DNS so that the FQDN resolves to the Internal IP inside you LANs and to the External IP outside?  If you're not, I would replace those two NAT rules with:

    1. DNAT : Internet -> {Group of HTTP & HTTPS} -> External (WAN) [VPN_MyPortal] (Address) : to GEORGE_SECURED
    2. Full NAT : Any IPv4 -> {Group of HTTP & HTTPS} -> External (WAN) [VPN_MyPortal] (Address) : to GEORGE_SECURED

    Of course, if you have only one LAN on Internal, I would use "Internal (Network)" instead of "Any IPv4" in the second NAT rule.  Also, check out #5 in Rulz.

    Cheers - Bob

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