eth0 and eth1
assigned dhcp to internal interface
configured POP3 proxy
configured User Portal
4. Generated new backup of configuration
This time the User Portal is displayed for logon without problems[:)]. I was able to successfully logon to the User Portal; however, do not see list of mails to release [[:(]](see snapshot) Yes, I have received a spam mail since reconfiguration.
It appears the errors that I was getting have been removed with the factory reset. I will reload the last configuration file before the factory reset. Then do some more testing.
eth0 and eth1
assigned dhcp to internal interface
configured POP3 proxy
configured User Portal
4. Generated new backup of configuration
This time the User Portal is displayed for logon without problems[:)]. I was able to successfully logon to the User Portal; however, do not see list of mails to release [[:(]](see snapshot) Yes, I have received a spam mail since reconfiguration.
It appears the errors that I was getting have been removed with the factory reset. I will reload the last configuration file before the factory reset. Then do some more testing.