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SG 125 died suddenly, won't boot, no signal

Small business with ~50 devices. Yesterday our Internet went out so we restarted the SG 125. Nothing weird was in the logs, so we didn't think of it much except wondered why it happened since SG 125 has been solid with no random crashes.

Today the Internet went out again. Restarting SG 125 did not do anything. Connected it to a monitor, and we could see the BIOS message (press DEL to enter setup). But nothing was happening. We restarted again. It showed model, available memory etc. And that was it. The device itself was very quiet. As if it was not powered. One last reboot, and there is no video signal at all. It's Friday afternoon and cannot reach any resellers, including the one we purchased from. We are on a backup router at the moment, and we will probably be purchasing replacement. Until I hear back from the reseller, I have few questions to ask:

1. Is there any way to recover this device? It's 2 years old.

2. Can any SG/XG model read the backup configuration? We will probably upgrade to something slightly better like 210.

3. Can I transfer licenses from the old one to the new one?

Thanks in advance.

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  • Thank you all. I too suspect Intel Atom chip in this case.

    Thankfully Howard at Virtual Graffiti gave me good deal on SG 210, and have it shipped overnight.

    While I will probably have SG 125 RMA'd, I don't want anything to do with 1xx series until I am 100% sure about the scope of this Intel defect. The router is now booting after numerous attempts, but I do not trust enough to factory reset and reuse.

  • Hi, Deniz, and welcome to the UTM Community!

    Sophos is replacing dead Rev.1 units with Rev.2 units that don't have this problem.  So far, I've only had one customer's unit die.  I've recommended to the others that they consider buying a second unit to use as Hot-Standby - the new units are all Rev.2.  I would definitely RMA the current unit even if it appears to have come back to life.

    Giovani, you said, "However, if you have a recent backup you can restore services by installing a software UTM on a Intel based hardware with the same number of ethernet interfaces and restoring a backup into it. It should allow you to use this setup for 30 days, the default trial period." - In fact, one would need a trial license from the reseller as the backup includes the 125 license.

    Cheers -  Bob

    Sophos UTM Community Moderator
    Sophos Certified Architect - UTM
    Sophos Certified Engineer - XG
    Gold Solution Partner since 2005
    MediaSoft, Inc. USA
  • You are right, as usual. As a partner, sometimes I forget not everybody can generate their own trial licenses.

    Regards - Giovani