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UTM Version 9.352-6 and 9.318-5 released (Do not install!!)

DO NOT INSTALL - THE UPDATES ARE FAULTY (Read this thread through!)


· Security Update

· System will be rebooted

36115 WebAdmin reflective XSS Vulnerability
36126 OpenSSL security update 1.0.1q

This thread was automatically locked due to age.
  • The fix from support:

    Ask for MANTIS 36171 and they will install this RPM : ep-webadmin-9.35-179.g76399f7.i686.rpm and restart the HTTPD, after that, all is good with Flow Monitor.

    BUT Concurrent connections image on the Dashboard is still missing. (As Sascha wrote, i am not entirely sure this has anything to do with 9.352-6...but you'll never know...)


    Best regards

    Sophos XGS 2100 @ Home | Sophos v20 Architect

  • The fix from support:

    Ask for MANTIS 36171 and they will install this RPM : ep-webadmin-9.35-179.g76399f7.i686.rpm and restart the HTTPD, after that, all is good with Flow Monitor.

    BUT Concurrent connections image on the Dashboard is still missing. (As Sascha wrote, i am not entirely sure this has anything to do with 9.352-6...but you'll never know...)


    Best regards

    Sophos XGS 2100 @ Home | Sophos v20 Architect
