If anyone is interested? http://utmshop.nl/sophos-utm-hardware-appliances/nfa-home-9.html
Works like a charm!
ReneeH : I used 16.05.1, it did not give me any problems. Try doing a blind install instead (without console) and see if that helps anything.
Sorry for taking so long to answer, I do not read this normally.
By the way, after a few weeks of using the APU with the XG software, I must say the performance of this thing is amazing. Normally the load is about 2%, and when I use my 300Mb connection at full load it goes up to 20-30% max, with firewall, web protection, web server protection, APT and antivirus activated (no IPS or email, I don't need them). Also, a 30Gb SSD is more than enough space for everything.
By the way, after a few weeks of using the APU with the XG software, I must say the performance of this thing is amazing. Normally the load is about 2%, and when I use my 300Mb connection at full load it goes up to 20-30% max, with firewall, web protection, web server protection, APT and antivirus activated (no IPS or email, I don't need them). Also, a 30Gb SSD is more than enough space for everything.