If anyone is interested? http://utmshop.nl/sophos-utm-hardware-appliances/nfa-home-9.html
Works like a charm!
ReneeH : I used 16.05.1, it did not give me any problems. Try doing a blind install instead (without console) and see if that helps anything.
Sorry for taking so long to answer, I do not read this normally.
ReneeH : I used 16.05.1, it did not give me any problems. Try doing a blind install instead (without console) and see if that helps anything.
Sorry for taking so long to answer, I do not read this normally.
By the way, after a few weeks of using the APU with the XG software, I must say the performance of this thing is amazing. Normally the load is about 2%, and when I use my 300Mb connection at full load it goes up to 20-30% max, with firewall, web protection, web server protection, APT and antivirus activated (no IPS or email, I don't need them). Also, a 30Gb SSD is more than enough space for everything.
I would say that if it works for others it may not be Sophos fault necesarily. It could be though. If I were you I would try using a different SSD. It could be a matter of the OS not detecting the SSD or something similar. Give it a try. If trying a blind install didn't work I would stick to the normal console install. I used Putty by the way.
Im using it on APU on few sites, my home, my parrents, friends...Everywhere it works just fine, installation since 9.4 is not blind, console on serial port is enabled, so installation procedure is thru putty or whatever serial client easy...
APU with 64GB SSD, at home running all services and filtering, connected AP55C, AP15C and one AP15.