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Notification Flooding: "New Firmware Up2Date is ready for installation"

We discovered that since yesterday many firewalls are flooding us with the UP2DATE Notification:

[INFO-301] New Firmware Up2Date is ready for installation

The Firewalls seem to download the Update 9.712013 and 9.713019 over and over again (about every 1 hour).

Anyone else having this issue?

Installed Firmware: 9.711005



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  • Hi  ,

    Thanks for reaching out to Sophos Community and hope you are well. 

    For the meantime you could push through with the update or uncheck notification under Notifications settings for INFO-301 - Email as workaround. 

    I would be recommending you to open a support Ticket for this if you are keen for this to be looked by an engineer. Then, once you have opened a ticket kindly DM me or reply on this thread the assigned case number so we can also follow progress on our end. 

    Thanks for your time and patience and Thank you for choosing Sophos.


    Raphael Alganes
    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support
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  • Hello Raphael

    I opened a Case: 05968626

    Yes, we allready disabled some of the 301-Notifications as a workaround.



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