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UTM under hyper-v - nics switching around?

Hi all,

Created a hyper-v VM with 6 nics to restore a backup to that was taken on an SG230.

The restore worked, and nic #1 was our wan link and nic #6 was our only internal interface in use.  All good for the better part of a week.

Today the internal nic stopped passing traffic.  Thinking it was maybe some kind of weird arp thing I rebooted everything in the entire stack - server, utm, switch, no dice

Eventually I tried connecting the other heretofore-unused nics in hyper-v, and once i connected nic #2 things started pinging again.  What the?

Somehow the VM switched this interface from nic #6 to nic #2?  Never encountered anything like that before and have had hyper-v utms running for months in the past...

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  • If you use UTM onto a Hyper-V cluster, you should set fix MAC addresses.


    Systema Gesellschaft für angewandte Datentechnik mbH  // Sophos Platinum Partner
    Sophos Solution Partner since 2003
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  • Yes, you definitely should, and we did, and always have.

    The logical interface within the UTM literally moved to a different physical interface somehow (from the 2nd nic in hyper-v's settings to the 6th nic).  So strange.

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