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Nodes out of sync after update


I updated our UTM Cluster 1 1/2 weeks ago and kept one node reserved.

Today I wanted to upgrade the second node

which led to the following status after waiting quite some time:

This does not look in sync. What needs to be done in order to have both nodes in sync?


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  • Hello

    This state tells you, that Node2 is currently updating. Wait until it reboots. Then it will show "SYNCING" for a while (be patient). Then it will change to "READY" and the update of Node2 is done.

    Sophos Gold Partner
    4TISO GmbH, Germany
    If a post solves your question click the 'Verify Answer' link.
  • Thanks. But it seems to be stuck. I started the process 80 minutes ago ...

  • Could you provide HA logs.

    I just saw, that in your first screen there are different versions compared to the second "9.705-3 -> 9.706-9" vs "9.705-7 -> 9.706-9"

    Sophos Gold Partner
    4TISO GmbH, Germany
    If a post solves your question click the 'Verify Answer' link.
  • ThomW

    thanks for your answer.

    Before the updates both nodes were 9.705-3. I needed to implement the Exilim Patch.

    I updated the first node 9.705-3 -> 9.706-8 -> 9.706-9. I used this path as I was told that there is currently no update path from 9.705-7 to 9.706.

    With the first node I never did an update to 9.705-7 so I am wondering why the second node is now on 9.705-7 ...

  • ThomW

    thanks for your answer.

    Before the updates both nodes were 9.705-3. I needed to implement the Exilim Patch.

    I updated the first node 9.705-3 -> 9.706-8 -> 9.706-9. I used this path as I was told that there is currently no update path from 9.705-7 to 9.706.

    With the first node I never did an update to 9.705-7 so I am wondering why the second node is now on 9.705-7 ...

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