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RAM Usage Sophos UTM 9.702-1



I have in my Sophos UTM 8GB Ram. Just saw today just 4GB are recognised, is this a limitation of the Home Version? 



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  • Hello Alexander,


    thanks for  the information. The MiniPc recognized in Bios 8GB Ram, also Health Checkup of 8 RAM is error free. What BIOS Settings could be "misconfigured"?


    Is there a command for UTM root Console to see more information, why the UTM just recognize 4GB Ram?






  • No, sorry don’t know where to look for. With top and the %mem display you can view memory consumption, but I think only the recognized memory. 
    Do you have a new installation or something other changed? BIOS on latest version? Do you find that specific model of system is used by anyone here in the community? 
    just some ideas that maybe helpful.

    Best regards 



  • Thanks for the Information. Checked with Top Command, just seeing usage of 3,5GB from 8GB with 1 Memory Module in the UTM. 


    Cpu(s):  0.2%us,  0.1%sy,  0.0%ni, 99.7%id,  0.0%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st

    Mem:   3555988k total,  3244068k used,   311920k free,    77060k buffers

    Swap:  4194300k total,       40k used,  4194260k free,  1103780k cached


    Installation is running since 2 years till now.. Dont know, if the Qotom Mini PC is used by someone else here. The Mini PC works great, 4 Intel Nics, Core I3 and for the RAM 8GB 1600MHz DDR3L (PC3-12800), it would be perfect if the 8GB would be used by the UTM;)


    Dont know, if a new installation with the actual Image would made sense? 


  • Hello Alexander,


    I installed the UTM today new. After fresh Installation the Memory is showing 8GB (in UTM Dashboard 7,8GB) :) 

    Just found one issue on my OTOM Mini PC when I tried to Install ASG Version 9.702-1 . When starting the Installation Process I got the message no compatible hardware found, reboot .. 


    Error Log showed mounting /dev/sda6 on /dest failed


    After trying several hours with different bios settings, I took the older Version 9.6.02-3 what I luckly had on CD still, and the installation worked without any Problem.


    Thanks a Lot!


    Best regards 




  • Hi Sally,

    maybe you've installed originally the 32bit version which limits the memory to 4 GB. I remember there is the question early in the installation process, 32bit or 64bit.

    bye Josef

    BERGMANN engineering & consulting GmbH, Wien/Austria

  • Hello Josef,

    thanks, yes this could be. As I remember I had to reinstall the UTM 1 Year ago in a hurry as there was a power outage, and the UTM lost all configuration and was not booting anymore. 


    Best regards



  • A lot of talk about an obvious mystery.


    While / before installation starts copiing files you have to choose if you want to install x64 - otherwise x86 will be installed which only can address about 3,5GB of RAM.