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UTM 9.6 to be____________________(plan to develop / beta / killed)



Any one who could fill-up the blank in the subject. Please set aside the roadshow promises, I already know the roadshows of the last 2 years which never came up.


Or was the  9.5 unofficial obituary :(

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  • Mate i'm sorry but i think that everyone who even barley knew anything about ASG has left by now. Which, i have to admit, is a shame.



  • IF every one left, then it is the time for user's to  look out for alternatives. and IF XG is no where near to alternate after more than 2 years of development what are we expecting out of the wait.

    It will be interesting to  know the next best after UTM. So if at all any one shifting then to which technology if not XG?

  • TLGSS said:

    It will be interesting to  know the next best after UTM. So if at all any one shifting then to which technology if not XG?

    Yes, it would be nice to have a list of competitors in the segment of the UTM. At this moment I‘m willing to extend UTM licensing only for a year, not 3 years.


  • TLGSS said:

    It will be interesting to  know the next best after UTM. So if at all any one shifting then to which technology if not XG?

    Yes, it would be nice to have a list of competitors in the segment of the UTM. At this moment I‘m willing to extend UTM licensing only for a year, not 3 years.


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