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A small subset of SG and XG appliances in High Availability configuration may become inaccessible due to an SSD firmware issue during a failover event.

Hi Community,

This KB article describes the steps to resolve the known issue with a small subset of SG and XG appliances in High Availability (HA) not being accessible anymore except via serial during a failover event. This is caused by a SSD software/firmware issue. The serial console output shows the errors: 

  • Reboot and Select proper Boot device
  • Insert Boot Media in selected Boot device and press a key
  • I/O error on SDA
  • SQUASHFS error

This issue is based on problems with the Solid State Disk (SSD) firmware. 

If you have an SG or XG appliance that is experiencing issues like those shown above, please contact Sophos Support for further instructions. If possible go ahead and make a backup with one of the KBA's from the related information section.

Sophos XG Firewall: How to backup and restore a configuration
Sophos UTM: How to create and restore a backup


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