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Block MAC address from internet access - settings not working


Sophos UTM 9.503-4

I have completed the setup to block a mac address from accessing the internet however traffic continues to flow to the device.

1. Network Definitions - MAC Address Definitions - MAC Address List - "Block MAC" [Device MAC Address]

2. Firewall - Rule - [Network] >> Any >> [Any] - Drop - Source ["Block MAC"] - placed at the top of firewall rules

3. Firewall Log - Filter [Device MAC Address]

[Time] - Packet Filter rule [Rule #]  - TCP - [Device IP:Port] - [Destination IP:Port] - [SYN] .... - srcmac={Device MAC Address] dstmac=[Destination MAC Address]

I am testing the device and navigate the internet without encumbrance.

What have I missed?




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  • Hi  

    Proxy functions including Web Proxy will precede configured Firewall Rules and MAC filtering can not be applied to Web Proxy.

    Your only options for Web Filtering is by IP address or User Authentication. 

    If you're able to assign a static IP to that device that you would like to block. Then you can use that to create a Web Filter profile that will block access to all. 

    Another option is to add that device (again only by IP or hostname) to the Transparent Mode Skiplist and it will bypass the proxy and the Firewall rules will apply.


    Community Support Engineer | Sophos Technical Support

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  • Hi Karlos,

    Thank you explaining how I can achieve the MAC filtering.  It is clear now that I did not understand the rulz and precedence with regards to UTM proxies.

    I will acknowledge, I am still on the learning curve with the UTM.


    Thanks again,
