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Needing to reboot the UTM

For years, whenever I had a cable modem issue, and I called for tech support, I'd quietly chuckle when they would ask me to unplug the power to my router. However, a few weeks ago, that was what it took for my Internet to come back (Not literally removing power, but a reboot). I thought it was a fluke until it happened again tonight. The connection status showed it was UP, but also showed ERROR. Rebooting the UTM fixed everything. I'd like to find the root cause, but not sure where to start. I'm running 9.409-9 in an ESXi VM, both network adapters are configured VMXNET3. Where should I start looking?


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  • When I Putty into the UTM, log in as loginuser, I try ifconfig, but get -bash: ifconfig: command not found

    The CPE is a Motorola cable modem. I've been using the same one for a few years. The only 'odd' thing is that when I called my provider, they said my modem was EOL, despite being only a few years old, and being DOCSIS 3.0. They said updates are no longer available, and I may have problems. They didn't elaborate on the problems.

    Well, come to think of it, the other difference was that I just switched to a new ESXi server upgrading from 5.5 to 6.0, and I switched to from E1000 to VMXNET3 during the switch. I installed UTM fresh, and imported a config.