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Unable to enable shell SSH acces



Somehow I un-checked both authentication methods - "allow password authentication" and "allow public key authentication", and saved, then disabled shell/SSH

Now, I cannot re-enable SSH access (it will say "all authentication methods are disabled"), but I cannot enable authentication methods either as they are greyed out.


This message appears if I try to turn on SSH access - but authentication methods are greyed out and cannot be changed.


How can I re-enable shell? Is there a way to re-enable auth methods via console? I have physical console and can log in that way.



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  • I have looked at these backups with a text editor and it doesn’t look like editing is doable unless you are very experienced with Sophos backups.  I have done this with Fortigate backups but this is a different format.  How long has your system been up and running?  Long enough to create at least one automatic backup from before the Shell SSH configuration change?  If yes try restoring from that.  Look under Management > Backup/Restore.


    Any help there?