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Site-to-Site VPN - Speed


Due I have to transfer 100 GB to my friend recoginized that the upload is very slow (1.57 Mbps) into an VPN Tunnel. Site A (Home) ->> friend (Upload my data from home). I have disabled all feature and check following configuration:

- Web-Proxy disable

- Application Control disable

- Intrusion Prevention disable

- QoS disable

- activate in the VPN configuration "Support path MTU discovery"

- checked the Internet speed without VPN: Download 220 Mbps / Upload 23 Mbps

- changed the MTU to 1392 (Cablecom Modem) & UTM


Have the cablecom modem and the Sophos UTM the same MTU Size? At the moment everthing is 1500 or I testet 1392 on both devices.

Notice: Internet connectin is 250 / 25

Do you know this issue? Any ideas what I can check?

Thank you for your help.

Best regards

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Parents Reply
  • Hi,
    The problem had solved itself - but recently I have the same problem again - have the same results again (as above). Now I wanted to do your tests on the CLI, but the speed test is no longer available, can you put it online again?

    Thank you for your valuable help.

    Best regards
