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[NotaBug] SSH Access first Configuration - Still "Acces denied"

Hello everyone,

just had an interesting phenomenon - perhaps a bug? I just started my very first and initial configuration for the SSH access. Of course, I configured the password for the "loginuser" along with the password for "root" and than clicked to save. Well, I used the same password "123" for both users, just for the first test. The saving worked, both passwords accepted, no errors.

But via the login process over SSH, I only got the message "Access denied" when I tiped in the password. Same problem all the time, for every password-changes - everytime together for "loginuser" and "root". Reboot didn't help.

After changing the password only for "loginuser", then saving and afterwards changing the password only for "root" with saving again, I could successfully log in to the SSH session. [:D]

Hope this helps someone ...

Btw. a bug tracker doesn't exist, does it? [:S]

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  • This is not fixed at all. Password based login for loginuser is still not working in 9.501-5

    The workaround with only setting the password for loginuser doesn't work anymore as well.

    I can work around this problem with key based ssh login (which is more secure anyway), BUT the bug is STILL not resolved!