SG105 failure due to http-proxy resource usage

We‘re seeing multiple customers with smaller appliances like SG105 having issues with WebProxy enabled and Ressource usage.

Starting a few weeks ago we‘re seeing those appliances going offline, becoming unresponsive and more - taking down those networks.

SUM show‘s high resource-usage of http-proxy. But there are mostly around 1-3 clients that idle behind SG. Had be no problem to handle on smaller appliances in the past.

Anyone noticed grown resource usage as well?

Parents Reply
  • Yes, impact is that UTM become inaccessible, offline and network goes down until hardware-reboot onsite.
    Some of these are offsite-locations with 1 PCs and usually no web-traffic at all. Or just some background-monitoring and remote-access. Even an SG105 should be able to handle this.

    Here coredump-folders of three independent diffrent SG105 customers facing these issues and outages within last 48 hours:

    And we have a few more appliances with this within the last weeks....

    I fear more outages enabling "atop" on these devices, that will lead to even more resouce usage..

    Shall we raise support cases for one or more of these SG105s?
